Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import TrafficStatePointDataset

[docs]class TGCLSTMDataset(TrafficStatePointDataset): def __init__(self, config): self.FFR = [] super(TGCLSTMDataset, self).__init__(config)
[docs] def _load_rel(self): """ 加载.rel文件,格式[rel_id, type, origin_id, destination_id, properties(若干列)] """ relfile = pd.read_csv(self.data_path + self.rel_file + '.rel') if self.weight_col != '': # 根据weight_col确认权重列 self.distance_df = relfile[~relfile[self.weight_col].isna()][[ 'origin_id', 'destination_id', self.weight_col, 'FFR_5min', 'FFR_10min', 'FFR_15min', 'FFR_20min', 'FFR_25min']] else: raise ValueError("Don't know which column to be loaded! Please set `weight_col` parameter!") # 把数据转换成矩阵的形式 self.adj_mx = np.zeros((len(self.geo_ids), len(self.geo_ids)), dtype=np.float32) if self.init_weight_inf_or_zero.lower() == 'inf': self.adj_mx[:] = np.inf for row in self.distance_df.values: if row[0] not in self.geo_to_ind or row[1] not in self.geo_to_ind: continue if self.set_weight_link_or_dist.lower() == 'dist': # 保留原始的距离数值 self.adj_mx[self.geo_to_ind[row[0]], self.geo_to_ind[row[1]]] = row[2] else: # self.set_weight_link_or_dist.lower()=='link' 只保留01的邻接性 self.adj_mx[self.geo_to_ind[row[0]], self.geo_to_ind[row[1]]] = 1"Loaded file " + self.dataset + '.rel') # 得到可达性矩阵 for i in range(3, 8): ffr_mx = np.zeros((len(self.geo_ids), len(self.geo_ids)), dtype=np.float32) ffr_mx[:] = np.inf for row in self.distance_df.values: if row[0] not in self.geo_to_ind or row[1] not in self.geo_to_ind: continue ffr_mx[self.geo_to_ind[row[0]], self.geo_to_ind[row[1]]] = row[i] self.FFR.append(ffr_mx) # 计算权重 if self.calculate_weight_adj: self._calculate_adjacency_matrix()
[docs] def get_data_feature(self): """ 返回数据集特征,scaler是归一化方法,adj_mx是邻接矩阵,num_nodes是点的个数, feature_dim是输入数据的维度,output_dim是模型输出的维度, FFR是额外的输入矩阵 Returns: dict: 包含数据集的相关特征的字典 """ return {"scaler": self.scaler, "adj_mx": self.adj_mx, "FFR": self.FFR, "num_nodes": self.num_nodes, "feature_dim": self.feature_dim, "output_dim": self.output_dim, "ext_dim": self.ext_dim, "num_batches": self.num_batches}