Source code for

import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from geopy import distance

from import AbstractTrajectoryEncoder
from libcity.utils import parse_time, parse_coordinate

parameter_list = ['dataset', 'min_session_len', 'min_sessions', 'traj_encoder', 'cut_method',
                  'window_size', 'min_checkins', 'neg_samples']

[docs]class AtstlstmEncoder(AbstractTrajectoryEncoder): # 这里有问题,需要重新修改 def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.uid = 0 self.location2id = {} # 因为原始数据集中的部分 loc id 不会被使用到因此这里需要重新编码一下 self.loc_id = 0 self.tim_max = 0 # 记录最大的时间编码 if self.config['cut_method'] == 'time_interval': # 对于以时间窗口切割的轨迹,最大时间编码是已知的 self.tim_max = self.config['window_size'] - 1 self.feature_dict = {'current_loc': 'int', 'loc_neg': 'int', 'current_dis': 'float', 'dis_neg': 'float', 'current_tim': 'float', 'tim_neg': 'float', 'uid': 'int', 'target_loc': 'int', 'target_dis': 'float', 'target_tim': 'float' } parameters_str = '' for key in parameter_list: if key in self.config: parameters_str += '_' + str(self.config[key]) self.cache_file_name = os.path.join( './libcity/cache/dataset_cache/', 'trajectory_{}.json'.format(parameters_str)) self.data_path = './raw_data/{}/'.format(self.config['dataset']) self.geo = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.data_path, '{}.geo'.format(self.config['dataset'])))
[docs] def encode(self, uid, trajectories, negative_sample): """Encoded Method refered to the open source code row index is: 0 1 2 3 4 dyna_id,type,time,entity_id,location """ # 直接对 uid 进行重编码 uid = self.uid self.uid += 1 encoded_trajectories = [] for i, traj in enumerate(trajectories): current_loc = [] # the checkin poi list loc_distance = [] # the distance between two checkin tim_interval = [] # the time interval between two checkin pre_time = None pre_lat = None pre_lon = None for index, row in enumerate(traj): loc = row[4] now_time = parse_time(row[2]) lon, lat = parse_coordinate(self.geo.loc[self.geo['geo_id'] == loc].iloc[0]['coordinates']) if index == 0: # for the first checkin, distance and time_interval set to a fixed value if loc not in self.location2id: self.location2id[loc] = self.loc_id self.loc_id += 1 current_loc.append(self.location2id[loc]) tim_interval.append(100) # choose the same fixed value as the reference code loc_distance.append(1) else: if loc not in self.location2id: self.location2id[loc] = self.loc_id self.loc_id += 1 current_loc.append(self.location2id[loc]) # the unit of time is second tim_interval.append(datetime.timestamp(now_time) - datetime.timestamp(pre_time)) loc_distance.append(distance.distance((pre_lat, pre_lon), (lat, lon)).kilometers) pre_time = now_time pre_lat = lat pre_lon = lon # generate negative samples' current_loc loc_distance and tim_interval neg_loc = [] neg_distance = [] neg_time = [] # the final checkin will be target (positive sample), so use the second last to cal neg row = traj[-2] loc = row[4] pre_lon, pre_lat = parse_coordinate(self.geo.loc[self.geo['geo_id'] == loc].iloc[0]['coordinates']) for neg in negative_sample[i]: neg_lon, neg_lat = parse_coordinate(self.geo.loc[self.geo['geo_id'] == neg].iloc[0]['coordinates']) if neg not in self.location2id: self.location2id[neg] = self.loc_id self.loc_id += 1 neg_loc.append(self.location2id[neg]) neg_time.append(tim_interval[-1]) # use target's time interval as the neg sample's neg_distance.append(distance.distance((neg_lat, neg_lon), (pre_lat, pre_lon)).kilometers) trace = [] target_loc = current_loc[-1] target_dis = loc_distance[-1] target_tim = tim_interval[-1] trace.append(current_loc[:-1]) trace.append(neg_loc) trace.append(loc_distance[:-1]) trace.append(neg_distance) trace.append(tim_interval[:-1]) trace.append(neg_time) trace.append(uid) trace.append(target_loc) trace.append(target_dis) trace.append(target_tim) encoded_trajectories.append(trace) return encoded_trajectories
[docs] def gen_data_feature(self): loc_pad = self.loc_id self.pad_item = { 'current_loc': loc_pad, 'current_dis': 0.0, 'current_tim': 0.0 } self.data_feature = { 'loc_size': self.loc_id + 1, 'uid_size': self.uid, 'loc_pad': loc_pad }