import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from logging import getLogger
from libcity.model.abstract_traffic_state_model import AbstractTrafficStateModel
from libcity.model import loss
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
[docs]def scaled_laplacian(weight):
compute ~L (scaled laplacian matrix)
L = D - A
~L = 2L/lambda - I
weight(np.ndarray): shape is (N, N), N is the num of vertices
np.ndarray: ~L, shape (N, N)
assert weight.shape[0] == weight.shape[1]
n = weight.shape[0]
diag = np.diag(np.sum(weight, axis=1))
lap = diag - weight
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if diag[i, i] > 0 and diag[j, j] > 0:
lap[i, j] /= np.sqrt(diag[i, i] * diag[j, j])
lambda_max = eigs(lap, k=1, which='LR')[0].real
return (2 * lap) / lambda_max - np.identity(weight.shape[0])
[docs]def cheb_polynomial(l_tilde, k):
compute a list of chebyshev polynomials from T_0 to T_{K-1}
l_tilde(np.ndarray): scaled Laplacian, shape (N, N)
k(int): the maximum order of chebyshev polynomials
list(np.ndarray): cheb_polynomials, length: K, from T_0 to T_{K-1}
num = l_tilde.shape[0]
cheb_polynomials = [np.identity(num), l_tilde.copy()]
for i in range(2, k):
cheb_polynomials.append(np.matmul(2 * l_tilde, cheb_polynomials[i - 1]) - cheb_polynomials[i - 2])
return cheb_polynomials
[docs]class SpatialAttentionLayer(nn.Module):
compute spatial attention scores
def __init__(self, device, in_channels, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps):
super(SpatialAttentionLayer, self).__init__()
self.W1 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_of_timesteps).to(device))
self.W2 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_channels, num_of_timesteps).to(device))
self.W3 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_channels).to(device)) = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1, num_of_vertices, num_of_vertices).to(device))
self.Vs = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_of_vertices, num_of_vertices).to(device))
[docs] def forward(self, x):
x(torch.tensor): (batch_size, N, F_in, T)
torch.tensor: (B,N,N)
lhs = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(x, self.W1), self.W2) # (b,N,F,T)(T)->(b,N,F)(F,T)->(b,N,T)
rhs = torch.matmul(self.W3, x).transpose(-1, -2) # (F)(b,N,F,T)->(b,N,T)->(b,T,N)
product = torch.matmul(lhs, rhs) # (b,N,T)(b,T,N) -> (B, N, N)
s = torch.matmul(self.Vs, torch.sigmoid(product + # (N,N)(B, N, N)->(B,N,N)
s_normalized = F.softmax(s, dim=1)
return s_normalized
[docs]class ChebConvWithSAt(nn.Module):
K-order chebyshev graph convolution
def __init__(self, k, cheb_polynomials, in_channels, out_channels):
in_channels(int): num of channels in the input sequence
out_channels(int): num of channels in the output sequence
super(ChebConvWithSAt, self).__init__()
self.K = k
self.cheb_polynomials = cheb_polynomials
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.DEVICE = cheb_polynomials[0].device
self.Theta = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_channels, out_channels).
to(self.DEVICE)) for _ in range(k)])
[docs] def forward(self, x, spatial_attention):
Chebyshev graph convolution operation
x: (batch_size, N, F_in, T)
spatial_attention: (batch_size, N, N)
torch.tensor: (batch_size, N, F_out, T)
batch_size, num_of_vertices, in_channels, num_of_timesteps = x.shape
outputs = []
for time_step in range(num_of_timesteps):
graph_signal = x[:, :, :, time_step] # (b, N, F_in)
output = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_of_vertices, self.out_channels).to(self.DEVICE) # (b, N, F_out)
for k in range(self.K):
t_k = self.cheb_polynomials[k] # (N,N)
t_k_with_at = t_k.mul(spatial_attention) # (N,N)*(N,N) = (N,N) 多行和为1, 按着列进行归一化
theta_k = self.Theta[k] # (in_channel, out_channel)
rhs = t_k_with_at.permute(0, 2, 1).matmul(graph_signal)
# (N, N)(b, N, F_in) = (b, N, F_in) 因为是左乘,所以多行和为1变为多列和为1,即一行之和为1,进行左乘
output = output + rhs.matmul(theta_k) # (b, N, F_in)(F_in, F_out) = (b, N, F_out)
outputs.append(output.unsqueeze(-1)) # (b, N, F_out, 1)
return F.relu(, dim=-1)) # (b, N, F_out, T)
[docs]class TemporalAttentionLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device, in_channels, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps):
super(TemporalAttentionLayer, self).__init__()
self.U1 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_of_vertices).to(device))
self.U2 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_channels, num_of_vertices).to(device))
self.U3 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_channels).to(device)) = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1, num_of_timesteps, num_of_timesteps).to(device))
self.Ve = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_of_timesteps, num_of_timesteps).to(device))
[docs] def forward(self, x):
x: (batch_size, N, F_in, T)
torch.tensor: (B, T, T)
_, num_of_vertices, num_of_features, num_of_timesteps = x.shape
lhs = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(x.permute(0, 3, 2, 1), self.U1), self.U2)
# x:(B, N, F_in, T) -> (B, T, F_in, N)
# (B, T, F_in, N)(N) -> (B,T,F_in)
# (B,T,F_in)(F_in,N)->(B,T,N)
rhs = torch.matmul(self.U3, x) # (F)(B,N,F,T)->(B, N, T)
product = torch.matmul(lhs, rhs) # (B,T,N)(B,N,T)->(B,T,T)
e = torch.matmul(self.Ve, torch.sigmoid(product + # (B, T, T)
e_normalized = F.softmax(e, dim=1)
return e_normalized
[docs]class ASTGCNBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device, in_channels, k, nb_chev_filter, nb_time_filter,
time_strides, cheb_polynomials, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps):
super(ASTGCNBlock, self).__init__()
self.TAt = TemporalAttentionLayer(device, in_channels, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps)
self.SAt = SpatialAttentionLayer(device, in_channels, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps)
self.cheb_conv_SAt = ChebConvWithSAt(k, cheb_polynomials, in_channels, nb_chev_filter)
self.time_conv = nn.Conv2d(nb_chev_filter, nb_time_filter, kernel_size=(1, 3),
stride=(1, time_strides), padding=(0, 1))
self.residual_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, nb_time_filter, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, time_strides))
self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(nb_time_filter) # 需要将channel放到最后一个维度上
[docs] def forward(self, x):
x: (batch_size, N, F_in, T)
torch.tensor: (batch_size, N, nb_time_filter, output_window)
batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_features, num_of_timesteps = x.shape
# TAt
temporal_at = self.TAt(x) # (B, T, T)
x_tat = torch.matmul(x.reshape(batch_size, -1, num_of_timesteps), temporal_at)\
.reshape(batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_features, num_of_timesteps)
# (B, N*F_in, T) * (B, T, T) -> (B, N*F_in, T) -> (B, N, F_in, T)
# SAt
spatial_at = self.SAt(x_tat) # (B, N, N)
# cheb gcn
spatial_gcn = self.cheb_conv_SAt(x, spatial_at) # (B, N, F_out, T), F_out = nb_chev_filter
# convolution along the time axis
time_conv_output = self.time_conv(spatial_gcn.permute(0, 2, 1, 3))
# (B, N, F_out, T) -> (B, F_out, N, T) 用(1,3)的卷积核去做->(B, F_out', N, T') F_out'=nb_time_filter
# residual shortcut
x_residual = self.residual_conv(x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3))
# (B, N, F_in, T) -> (B, F_in, N, T) 用(1,1)的卷积核去做->(B, F_out', N, T') F_out'=nb_time_filter
x_residual = self.ln(F.relu(x_residual + time_conv_output).permute(0, 3, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
# (B, F_out', N, T') -> (B, T', N, F_out') -ln -> (B, T', N, F_out') -> (B, N, F_out', T')
return x_residual
[docs]class ASTGCNSubmodule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device, nb_block, in_channels, k, nb_chev_filter, nb_time_filter,
input_window, cheb_polynomials, output_window, output_dim, num_of_vertices):
super(ASTGCNSubmodule, self).__init__()
self.BlockList = nn.ModuleList([ASTGCNBlock(device, in_channels, k, nb_chev_filter,
nb_time_filter, input_window // output_window,
cheb_polynomials, num_of_vertices, input_window)])
self.BlockList.extend([ASTGCNBlock(device, nb_time_filter, k, nb_chev_filter,
nb_time_filter, 1, cheb_polynomials,
num_of_vertices, output_window)
for _ in range(nb_block-1)])
self.final_conv = nn.Conv2d(output_window, output_window,
kernel_size=(1, nb_time_filter - output_dim + 1))
[docs] def forward(self, x):
x: (B, T_in, N_nodes, F_in)
torch.tensor: (B, T_out, N_nodes, out_dim)
x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # (B, N, F_in(feature_dim), T_in)
for block in self.BlockList:
x = block(x)
# (B, N, F_out(nb_time_filter), T_out(output_window))
output = self.final_conv(x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))
# (B,N,F_out,T_out)->(B,T_out,N,F_out)-conv<1,F_out-out_dim+1>->(B,T_out,N,out_dim)
return output
# 适配最一般的TrafficStateGridDataset和TrafficStatePointDataset
[docs]class ASTGCNCommon(AbstractTrafficStateModel):
def __init__(self, config, data_feature):
super().__init__(config, data_feature)
self.num_nodes = self.data_feature.get('num_nodes', 1)
self.feature_dim = self.data_feature.get('feature_dim', 1)
self.output_dim = self.data_feature.get('output_dim', 1)
self.input_window = config.get('input_window', 1)
self.output_window = config.get('output_window', 1)
self.device = config.get('device', torch.device('cpu'))
self.nb_block = config.get('nb_block', 2)
self.K = config.get('K', 3)
self.nb_chev_filter = config.get('nb_chev_filter', 64)
self.nb_time_filter = config.get('nb_time_filter', 64)
adj_mx = self.data_feature.get('adj_mx')
l_tilde = scaled_laplacian(adj_mx)
self.cheb_polynomials = [torch.from_numpy(i).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(self.device)
for i in cheb_polynomial(l_tilde, self.K)]
self._logger = getLogger()
self._scaler = self.data_feature.get('scaler')
self.ASTGCN_submodule = \
ASTGCNSubmodule(self.device, self.nb_block, self.feature_dim,
self.K, self.nb_chev_filter, self.nb_time_filter,
self.input_window, self.cheb_polynomials,
self.output_window, self.output_dim, self.num_nodes)
def _init_parameters(self):
for p in self.parameters():
if p.dim() > 1:
[docs] def forward(self, batch):
x = batch['X'].to(self.device) # (B, T, N_nodes, F_in)
output = self.ASTGCN_submodule(x)
return output # (B, T', N_nodes, F_out)
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, batch):
y_true = batch['y']
y_predicted = self.predict(batch)
y_true = self._scaler.inverse_transform(y_true[..., :self.output_dim])
y_predicted = self._scaler.inverse_transform(y_predicted[..., :self.output_dim])
return loss.masked_mse_torch(y_predicted, y_true)
[docs] def predict(self, batch):
return self.forward(batch)