import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence
from libcity.model.abstract_model import AbstractModel
[docs]class LSTPM(AbstractModel):
def __init__(self, config, data_feature):
super(LSTPM, self).__init__(config, data_feature)
self.loc_size = data_feature['loc_size']
self.tim_size = data_feature['tim_size']
self.hidden_size = config['hidden_size']
self.emb_size = config['emb_size']
self.device = config['device']
# todo why embeding?
self.loc_emb = nn.Embedding(self.loc_size, self.emb_size, padding_idx=data_feature['loc_pad'])
# self.emb_tim = nn.Embedding(self.tim_size, 10) 根本就没有用时间???这都能 soda ??
self.lstmcell = nn.LSTM(input_size=self.emb_size,
self.lstmcell_history = nn.LSTM(
input_size=self.emb_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size)
self.linear = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size * 2, self.loc_size, bias=False)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config['dropout'])
# self.user_dropout = nn.Dropout(user_dropout) 不是这模型对吗??
self.tim_sim_matrix = data_feature['tim_sim_matrix']
# could be the same as self.lstmcell
self.dilated_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(
input_size=self.emb_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size)
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size, bias=False)
[docs] def init_weights(self):
ih = ( for name, param in self.named_parameters()
if 'weight_ih' in name)
hh = ( for name, param in self.named_parameters()
if 'weight_hh' in name)
b = ( for name, param in self.named_parameters()
if 'bias' in name)
for t in ih:
for t in hh:
for t in b:
nn.init.constant_(t, 0)
def _pad_batch_of_lists_masks(self, current_session, origin_len):
# 因为没有 pad 所以 max_len == len(l)
padde_mask_non_local = [1.0] * (origin_len) + [0.0] * (len(current_session) - origin_len)
padde_mask_non_local = torch.FloatTensor(padde_mask_non_local).to(self.device)
return padde_mask_non_local
[docs] def forward(self, batch):
batch_size = batch['current_loc'].shape[0]
origin_len = batch.get_origin_len('current_loc')
current_loc = batch['current_loc']
current_tim = batch['current_tim']
items = self.loc_emb(current_loc).permute(1, 0, 2) # sequence * batch_size * embedding
current_loc = current_loc.tolist()
# pack x and history_x
pack_items = pack_padded_sequence(items, lengths=origin_len, enforce_sorted=False)
h1 = torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
c1 = torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
out, (h1, c1) = self.lstmcell(pack_items, (h1, c1))
# batch_size * sequence_length * hidden_size
out, _ = pad_packed_sequence(out, batch_first=True)
items = items.permute(1, 0, 2) # sequence * batch_size * embeeding
y_list = []
out_hie = [] # batch_size * hidden_size
dilated_rnn_input_index = batch['dilated_rnn_input_index']
for ii in range(batch_size):
current_session_input_dilated_rnn_index = dilated_rnn_input_index[ii].tolist() # origin_cur_len
hiddens_current = items[ii]
dilated_lstm_outs_h = []
dilated_lstm_outs_c = []
for index_dilated in range(len(current_session_input_dilated_rnn_index)):
index_dilated_explicit = current_session_input_dilated_rnn_index[index_dilated]
hidden_current = hiddens_current[index_dilated].unsqueeze(0)
if index_dilated == 0:
h = torch.zeros(1, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
c = torch.zeros(1, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
(h, c) = self.dilated_rnn(hidden_current, (h, c))
(h, c) = self.dilated_rnn(hidden_current, (
current_session_timid = current_tim[ii].tolist()[origin_len[ii] - 1] # 不包含我 pad 的那个点
current_session_embed = out[ii] # sequence_len * hidden_size
# FloatTensor sequence_len * 1
current_session_mask = self._pad_batch_of_lists_masks(current_loc[ii], origin_len[ii]).unsqueeze(1)
# mask_batch_ix_non_local[ii].unsqueeze(1)
sequence_length = origin_len[ii]
# do average pooling for current_session
# 1 * hidden_size
current_session_represent = torch.sum(current_session_embed * current_session_mask,
list_for_sessions = [] # his_cnt * hidden_size
h2 = torch.zeros(1, 1, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
c2 = torch.zeros(1, 1, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
# 处理历史轨迹
for jj in range(len(batch['history_loc'][ii])):
sequence = batch['history_loc'][ii][jj]
sequence_emb = self.loc_emb(sequence).unsqueeze(1) # his_seq_len * 1 * embedding_size
sequence_emb, (h2, c2) = self.lstmcell_history(sequence_emb, (h2, c2))
sequence_tim_id = batch['history_tim'][ii][jj].tolist()
# 根据 time slot 相似度修正历史轨迹表征
# tim_size
jaccard_sim_row = torch.FloatTensor(self.tim_sim_matrix[current_session_timid]).to(self.device)
jaccard_sim_expicit = jaccard_sim_row[sequence_tim_id] # his_seq_len
jaccard_sim_expicit_last = F.softmax(jaccard_sim_expicit, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) # 1 * his_seq_len
# 1 * hidden_size
hidden_sequence_for_current =, sequence_emb.squeeze(1))
# 1 * his_cnt
avg_distance = batch['history_avg_distance'][ii].unsqueeze(0)
# 1 * his_cnt * hidden_size
sessions_represent =, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
# 1 * hidden_size * 1
current_session_represent = current_session_represent.unsqueeze(2)
# 1 * 1 * his_cnt
sim_between_cur_his = F.softmax(sessions_represent.bmm(current_session_represent).squeeze(2),
# TODO: why do linear1 and selu?
# 1 * hidden_size
out_y_current = torch.selu(self.linear1(sim_between_cur_his.bmm(sessions_represent).squeeze(1)))
# 1 * hidden_size * 1
layer_2_current = (0.5 * out_y_current + 0.5 * current_session_embed[sequence_length - 1]).unsqueeze(2)
# 1 * 1 * his_cnt
layer_2_sims = F.softmax(sessions_represent.bmm(layer_2_current).squeeze(2) *
1.0 / avg_distance, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
# 1 * hidden_size
out_layer_2 = layer_2_sims.bmm(sessions_represent).squeeze(1)
# batch_size * hidden_size
y = torch.selu(, dim=0))
# 得到 shor-term 的输出
# batch_size * hidden_size
out_hie = F.selu(, dim=0))
# get the final lstm out
final_out_index = torch.tensor(origin_len) - 1
final_out_index = final_out_index.reshape(final_out_index.shape[0], 1, -1)
final_out_index = final_out_index.repeat(1, 1, self.hidden_size).to(self.device)
final_out = torch.gather(out, 1, final_out_index).squeeze(1)
final_out = F.selu(final_out)
final_out = (final_out + out_hie) * 0.5
out_put_emb_v1 =[y, final_out], dim=1)
output_ln = self.linear(out_put_emb_v1)
# batch_size * loc_size
output = F.log_softmax(output_ln, dim=1)
return output
[docs] def calculate_loss(self, batch):
criterion = nn.NLLLoss(reduction='sum').to(self.device)
scores = self.forward(batch)
return criterion(scores, batch['target'])
[docs] def predict(self, batch):
return self.forward(batch)