Source code for libcity.model.utils

import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import linalg
import numpy as np
import torch

# def build_sparse_matrix(device, lap):
#     lap = lap.tocoo()
#     indices = np.column_stack((lap.row, lap.col))
#     # this is to ensure row-major ordering to equal torch.sparse.sparse_reorder(L)
#     indices = indices[np.lexsort((indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]))]
#     lap = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices.T,, lap.shape, device=device)
#     return

[docs]def build_sparse_matrix(device, lap): """ 构建稀疏矩阵(tensor) Args: device: lap: 拉普拉斯 Returns: """ shape = lap.shape i = torch.LongTensor(np.vstack((lap.row, lap.col)).astype(int)) v = torch.FloatTensor( return torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size(shape)).to(device)
[docs]def get_cheb_polynomial(l_tilde, k): """ compute a list of chebyshev polynomials from T_0 to T_{K-1} Args: l_tilde(scipy.sparse.coo.coo_matrix): scaled Laplacian, shape (N, N) k(int): the maximum order of chebyshev polynomials Returns: list(np.ndarray): cheb_polynomials, length: K, from T_0 to T_{K-1} """ l_tilde = sp.coo_matrix(l_tilde) num = l_tilde.shape[0] cheb_polynomials = [sp.eye(num).tocoo(), l_tilde.copy()] for i in range(2, k + 1): cheb_i = (2 * l_tilde).dot(cheb_polynomials[i - 1]) - cheb_polynomials[i - 2] cheb_polynomials.append(cheb_i.tocoo()) return cheb_polynomials
[docs]def get_supports_matrix(adj_mx, filter_type='laplacian', undirected=True): """ 选择不同类别的拉普拉斯 Args: undirected: adj_mx: filter_type: Returns: """ supports = [] if filter_type == "laplacian": supports.append(calculate_scaled_laplacian(adj_mx, lambda_max=None, undirected=undirected)) elif filter_type == "random_walk": supports.append(calculate_random_walk_matrix(adj_mx).T) elif filter_type == "dual_random_walk": supports.append(calculate_random_walk_matrix(adj_mx).T) supports.append(calculate_random_walk_matrix(adj_mx.T).T) else: supports.append(calculate_scaled_laplacian(adj_mx)) return supports
[docs]def calculate_normalized_laplacian(adj): """ L = D^-1/2 (D-A) D^-1/2 = I - D^-1/2 A D^-1/2 对称归一化的拉普拉斯 Args: adj: adj matrix Returns: np.ndarray: L """ adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) d = np.array(adj.sum(1)) d_inv_sqrt = np.power(d, -0.5).flatten() d_inv_sqrt[np.isinf(d_inv_sqrt)] = 0. d_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(d_inv_sqrt) normalized_laplacian = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) - return normalized_laplacian
[docs]def calculate_random_walk_matrix(adj_mx): """ L = D^-1 * A 随机游走拉普拉斯 Args: adj_mx: adj matrix Returns: np.ndarray: L """ adj_mx = sp.coo_matrix(adj_mx) d = np.array(adj_mx.sum(1)) d_inv = np.power(d, -1).flatten() d_inv[np.isinf(d_inv)] = 0. d_mat_inv = sp.diags(d_inv) random_walk_mx = return random_walk_mx
[docs]def calculate_scaled_laplacian(adj_mx, lambda_max=2, undirected=True): """ 计算近似后的拉普莱斯矩阵~L Args: adj_mx: lambda_max: undirected: Returns: ~L = 2 * L / lambda_max - I """ adj_mx = sp.coo_matrix(adj_mx) if undirected: bigger = adj_mx > adj_mx.T smaller = adj_mx < adj_mx.T notequall = adj_mx != adj_mx.T adj_mx = adj_mx - adj_mx.multiply(notequall) + adj_mx.multiply(bigger) + adj_mx.T.multiply(smaller) lap = calculate_normalized_laplacian(adj_mx) if lambda_max is None: lambda_max, _ = linalg.eigsh(lap, 1, which='LM') lambda_max = lambda_max[0] lap = sp.csr_matrix(lap) m, _ = lap.shape identity = sp.identity(m, format='csr', dtype=lap.dtype) lap = (2 / lambda_max * lap) - identity return lap.astype(np.float32).tocoo()