Atomic Files

The following types of atomic files are defined:

filename content example
xxx.geo Store geographic entity attribute information. geo_id, type, coordinates
xxx.usr Store traffic user information. usr_id, gender, birth_date
xxx.rel Store the relationship information between entities, such as road networks. rel_id, type, origin_id, destination_id
xxx.dyna Store traffic condition information. dyna_id, type, time, entity_id, location_id
xxx.ext Store external information, such as weather, temperature, etc. ext_id, time, properties
config.json Used to supplement the description of the above table information.

Note: For different traffic prediction tasks, different atomic files may be used, and a dataset may not contain all six kinds of atomic files.

The format of .geo, .usr, .rel, .dyna, and .ext is similar to the csv file, which consists of multiple columns of data.

Geo Table

An element in the Geo table consists of the following four parts:

geo_id, type, coordinates, properties (multiple columns).

  • geo_id: The primary key uniquely determines a geo entity.

  • type: The type of geo. Range in [Point, LineString, Polygon]. These three values are consistent with the points, lines and planes in Geojson.

  • coordinates: Array or nested array composed of float type. Describe the location information of the geo entity, using the coordinates format of Geojson.

  • properties: Describe the attribute information of the geo entity. If there are multiple attributes, you can use different column names to define multiple columns of data, such as POI_name, POI_type. [For grid data, there must be two columns row_id and column_id which represent the row and column numbers of the grid. ]

Note: Geojson’s coordinates format: (Longitude first, latitude second)

  • Point: [102.0, 0.5]

  • LineString: [ [102.0, 0.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [105.0, 1.0] ]

  • Polygon: [[ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]]

Usr Table

An element in the Usr table consists of the following two parts:

usr_id, properties (multiple columns).

  • usr_id: The primary key uniquely determines a usr entity.

  • properties: Describe the attribute information of the usr entity. If there are multiple attributes, different column names can be used to define multiple columns of data, such as gender, birth_date.

Rel Table

An element in the Rel table consists of the following four parts:

rel_id, type, origin_id, destination_id, properties (multiple columns).

  • rel_id: The primary key uniquely determines the relationship between entities.

  • type: The type of rel. Range in [usr, geo], which indicates whether the relationship is based on geo or usr.

  • origin_id: The ID of the origin of the relationship, which is either in the Geo table or in the Usr table.

  • destination_id: The ID of the destination of the relationship, which is one of the Geo table or the Usr table.

  • properties: Describe the attribute information of the relationship. If there are multiple attributes, different column names can be used to define multiple columns of data.

Dyna Table

An element in the Dyna table consists of the following five parts:

dyna_id, type, time, entity_id(multiple columns), properties(multiple columns).

Introduction to each column

  • dyna_id: The primary key uniquely determines a record in the Dyna table.

  • type: The type of dyna. There are two values: trajectory (for trajectory-based task) and state (for traffic state prediction task).

  • time: Time information, using the date and time combination notation in ISO-8601 standard, such as: 2020-12-07T02:59:46Z.

  • entity_id: Describe which entity the record is based on, which is the ID of geo or usr.

  • properties: Describe the attribute information of the record. If there are multiple attributes, different column names can be used to define multiple columns of data, such as both speed data and flow data.

Detailed description

  • For traffic state prediction tasks:

    The format is: dyna_id, state, time, entity_id, propertiesentity_id may have different changes:

    • For entities that can use one-dimensional numbering for sensors, road sections, areas, etc., this column is the corresponding ID, the column name is [entity_id], and the file suffix name is .dyna.

    • For grid-based traffic data, the column name is [row_id, column_id], and the file extension is .grid.

    • For od-based traffic data, the column name is [origin_id, destination_id], and the file suffix name is .od.

    • For grid-od-based traffic data, the column name is [origin_row_id, origin_column_id, destination_row_id, destination_column_id], and the file extension is .gridod.

  • For trajectory-based tasks:

    The trajectory data includes GPS point trajectory, road segment-based trajectory (after map matching), user check-in trajectory (POI-based trajectory).

    • GPS point trajectory

      • The format is: dyna_id, type, time, entity_id, (traj_id), coordinates, properties.

      • The content of the entity_id column should be usr_id, traj_id represents the number of multiple trajectories of the same user (starting from 0) and if the user has only one trajectory this column can be empty, the content of the coordinates column is the latitude and longitude of the GPS point.

    • Road segment-based trajectory

      • The format is: dyna_id, type, time, entity_id, (traj_id), location, properties.

      • The content of the entity_id column should be usr_id, traj_id represents the number of multiple trajectories of the same user (starting from 0) and if the user has only one trajectory this column can be empty, the content of the location column is geo_id, which refs to the geo table and represents a road segment.

    • POI-based trajectory

      • The format is: dyna_id, type, time, entity_id, (traj_id), location, properties.

      • The content of the entity_id column should be usr_id, traj_id represents the number of multiple trajectories of the same user (starting from 0) and if the user has only one trajectory this column can be empty, the content of the location column is geo_id, which refs to the geo table and represents a POI.

    For a specific task, the input of the trajectory next-location prediction task is based on the trajectory of the POI point, the input of the estimated time of arrival task is the trajectory of the GPS point or the trajectory based on the road segment, the input of the map matching task is the trajectory of the GPS point, and the output is the trajectory based on the road segment.

Data arrangement method

  • Dyna table should be arranged according to the double keywords of (entity_id) and (time), that is, records with the same (entity_id) are put together and sorted according to (time).

  • Specially, for trajectory data, the trajectories of the same user (entity_id) should be sorted by (traj_id) first, and those with the same (traj_id) should be sorted by (time).



Ext Table

An element in the Ext table consists of the following three parts:

ext_id, time, properties (multiple columns).

  • ext_id: The primary key uniquely determines a record in the external data table.

  • time: Time information, using the date and time combination notation in ISO-8601 standard, such as: 2020- 12-07T02:59:46Z.

  • properties: Describe the attribute information of the record. If there are multiple attributes, different column names can be used to define multiple columns of data, such as both temperature data and humidity data.

Data Type Definition

The data type definition of each column in the dataset needs to be given in the config file, which is helpful for subsequent data processing.

Type Description
geo_id Discrete limited IDs that exist in the Geo table.
usr_id Discrete limited IDs that exist in the Usr table.
rel_id Discrete limited IDs that exist in the Rel table.
time Time string conforming to ISO-8601 standard.
coordinate String conforming to the coordinate representation in geojosn format.
num Real number.
enum Enum string.
other The rest are stored in string type.

Config File

The config file is used to supplement the information describing the above five tables themselves. It is stored in json format and consists of six keys: geo, usr, rel, dyna, ext, and info.

  • For geo, rel, dyna:

    Contains a key of including_types, and uses an array to describe the type values in the table. After that, each type is used as a key, describing which keys are contained in the properties table and their data types under the type.

  • For usr, ext:

    Contains a properties key, describing which keys are contained in the properties table and their data types.

  • For info:

    Contains other necessary statistical information of the dataset, for different traffic prediction tasks, contains different content.

    • For traffic state prediction task:

      • geo_file: The file name of the .geo file, string type, the default is the dataset name.

      • rel_file: The file name of the .rel file, string type, the default is the dataset name.

      • data_files: The file name of the data file (such as .dyna, .grid, .gridod), array or string type, the default is the dataset name.

      • ext_file: The file name of the .ext file, string type, the default is the dataset name.

      • weight_col: The column name loaded from the .rel file, string array with only one element or a string type. When not specified, if the .rel file has only one column of weight columns, there is no problem, otherwise an error will be reported.

      • data_col: The column names loaded from the data files(such as .dyna, .grid, .gridod), array or string type, load all columns if not specified.

      • ext_col: The column names loaded from the external file, array or string type, load all columns if not specified.

      • output_dim: Specify the dimensions of the model output, generally should be the same as the number of attribute columns specified in data_col.

      • time_intervals: The length of the data set time slice, in seconds.

      • init_weight_inf_or_zero: Range in [inf , zero]. When loading the .rel file to construct the adjacency matrix, the initial adjacency matrix is all INF (inf) or all 0 (zero), and the default is inf.

      • set_weight_link_or_dist: Range in [link, dist], when loading the .rel file to construct the adjacency matrix, use the original value in the weight column in the file (dist) or revise it to a matrix of all 01 (link), and the default is dist.

      • calculate_weight_adj: Whether the weight of the adjacency matrix obtained from the .rel file needs to be further calculated, default to False. Some adjacency matrices are calculated based on the original data. The current calculation method is Gaussian kernel method with threshold: $$w_{ij} = \exp \left(- \frac{d_{ij}^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}\right)$$.

      • weight_adj_epsilon: The threshold of the Gaussian kernel. If the calculated weight is less than the threshold, it becomes 0, that is, $$ w_{ij}[w_{ij}<\epsilon]=0$$. This parameter depends on the parameter calculate_weight_adj=True .

    • For trajectory next-location prediction task:

      • distance_upper: The maximum distance between POI points.


            "row_id": 15,
            "column_id": 5,
            "origin_row_id": 15,
            "origin_column_id": 5,
            "destination_row_id": 15,
            "destination_column_id": 5,
    "info": {
        "time_interval": 300,